Entheogens: The Movie
There is a new movied called, Entheogens: Awakening the God Within, currently showing at the Sundance Film Fesitval. Here is a 5 minute preview. [via Bruce Eisner]
The Results of the Experiences of a twenty something,IT consultant, music, food, drink and drug enthusiast
There is a new movied called, Entheogens: Awakening the God Within, currently showing at the Sundance Film Fesitval. Here is a 5 minute preview. [via Bruce Eisner]
Had a pretty low key day yesterday. Did some painting. The sun was out and I took the pooch for a walk. Went to Stephie's house and had feta and roasted red pepper omeletes and watched a couple episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm. Did some more painting and then went to the rents house for dinner. We discussed my recent decisions about quiting my job and what not and they were pretty cool about it actually.
Went to Yems and there were a couple people there, One of which was the dude. He had k and shrooms and busted out a book on them when wags started talking about them being food poisening which i never believed. We smoked a couple splifs and i observed a reverse cone rolling technique which im tyring to incorporate into my rolling style.
Made some soba noodle soup, and finished painting. Steph brought over a delicious mini banana cream pie.
we were at UVM for maybe an hour before a couple people showed up at the girls room and requested the holy sacrament. Yem and I couldnt resist and dosed as well obviously commiting to staying the night.
Montreal was mad cool. I took Anuck's Yoga class, which was in French but it was great anyway. The French was really soothing and i got a few good tips.
I mean they had me working for drug companies and power consortiums or whatever Cynery is. On the one hand you have an industry that is making people sick and dependant and treating medicene like movies and on the other you have the ultimate monopoly created and facilitated by the government.
So, I just officially quit my job. Bossman was mad cool even though he is one of Satan's children. I just couldnt do it anymore. It was like the whole time I was holding in a laugh becuase they thought I was something I wasnt and now Ive just burst out laughing in their faces.
DUde! What up? HOws makin Bunk beds goin? I didnt make it to Cincinatti. So that basically means i quite my job even though i havnt told them anything, yet. Went back to UVM and heard it was snowin real bad at home so we stayed and triped out. It was a crazy night. Little wierd trippin there with all them but I really like Lauren so it was all good. Just chillin since i got back, Wagar Had an artistic vision while i was gone and decided that we needed to smassh the big mirror and make a mural out of it and paint the walls. So we been doin that. Hit me the fuck up and let me know whats going on. Send my love to anook or anuck or however the hell you spell that candadiens name.
Im sitting in a hostel in mOntreal in the Viex Montreal or old Montreal section, talking serious out there politics with a dude from Vermont. He was watching CSpan on the internet when we came in and we immediately got political. He says hes here escaping from our government. Hes breaking down economic slavery and the tyranny of money.
Somehow ended up at UVM in our good friend's little sister's dorm room on an all girls floor and her roomate is a cutie. We party to say the least. We get all kinds of dank beers and some whiskey too. We take some prints of molly and start drinkin.
Had some girlies over for dinner. Blue eyes and the cutie, and I invited steph cause we all just friends here ya know, they brough another one of their friends too. We made a salad with miso/ginger dressing, steamed seasoned veggies and shrimp scampi over lemon pepper linguine. Only prob was the cutie is allergic to shrimp, just jave to cook for her another time.
Last night was beatiful; mid January and its in the 60s. Wags and I took his girl blue eyes aka sweet tits and her cute friend to the George Clinton show and the World Cafe Live.
Went into the office yesterday, for the only time this week, got some face time with some peeps, first time for the project manager of the pro bono thing. Shes real cool. But other than that it was pretty oppresive. Maybe i was just tired; im really not into the "work" day schedule, I dont think it works iwth my natural rythms,
Its about midnight and im getting a little antsy becuase ive been waiting for the train to come home with my car and the K. we are only getting a little but we should be ok cause cletus has work tomorrow and says hes not going to indulge. Hope he get here soon; cant wait to get tranquil. Its kind of wierd to get excited about getting relaxed.
I wake up on the couch not remembering how i got there. Last thing I remebre is passing out in the afternoon on the beach. Oh well. Josh made some steamed veggies which were great and some salmon on the grill. We eat and then start getting drunk. Some play holdem while other including myself hit up the hot tub.
We go down to Penns Landing, or whatever that place is called that goes over 95 and has that cool tall people sculpture, with the dog to see the sun rise. The rays are really warming and looking beautiful over the river.
Yesterday was a pretty flowey day around the homestead. We ate mad sushi and decided that we had to get out of the hood tonight and try to talk to some females. We started lookin for a cab but didnt have much luck initiall,y so we went to Manny Brown's to visit our favorite waitress and get a pitcher of Lager. That place was beat so we drank our pitcher and hopped in cab to Northern Liberties. Wags wanted to stop somewhere before our final destination of The 700 club. We get out at Finnigans Wake, hear the music comin from the joint and find out there is a cover and immediatley get back in the car and continue on to 700 club.
We get back to the crib, and continue to indulge in alchoholic beverages and our swiftly dwindling heady supply. We list to some Donald Byrd, Electric Byrd but thas only a guess becuase its one of my favorites when im real gone. We chill and get real silly tills its mad late. Grass wants to go to sleep, but I wont let her pullout the couch bed in the living rooms and she wont sleep in my room cuase she and I and it have a past and she wont sleep in Cletus's room becuase its dirty. By the way my roomate has many alias one of which is Cletus which he turns into when he gets very wasted and rowdy. So for some reason I and a few of my compatriates are not tired at all. Its gets to be a game of keeping up the people who want to go to sleep with the threat of them getting "Architeched" which is what cletus called "Antiquing".
So the one crew is starting to fade, but the freaks are still ready to roll over to my girls place where they got some NO2 flowing. We do some K for the road and After much motivating I get like 6 people to come with me. The Train plays his banjo the whole way there like a troubadour pickup some crazy dude as his vocalist along the way. When we get there the place is thoroughly gassed out and some kid I've know for 10 years and haven't seen in like 5 is blue.
So we get mad food, and when I say mad food, i mean several hundred hors d'vours, huge meat chease and vegie tray, etc... We got a stocked liquor bar, a keg of Amstel light, K and molly as usual and some yey for the ocasion.
So Thursday wasn't really anything that special but it sure was nice to be off. Got up late and took the dog out with Garcia. The highlight was definitely Sarcone's, best Hoagies in Philly. Only thing that compares is White House in AC. Picked up some hot pepper shooters (stuffed with prosciutto and provolone and olives for the party.
The crackhead chick made me want to go get out there so we went back to the place and blew some rails of K and immediatly holed out for a bit. We got up and took the dog out and felt totally tweaked; motor skills and speach retarded. The dog park was emtpy so we just let the pup do his thing while we groked out on the pebbled concrete
Im gonna wake up in the morning and clean my house,
So right when the show starts, I push all the way up so that Im right in Maceo's face. Hes so classy in a pimp suit and workin the crowd. I start gettin into it and piss a few people off but they mellow out when they realize that my intention are only for myself and those around me to have the best time possible .
Started the weekend off, on wednesdey becuase, like I said it was my last day on the gig and due to that I had a reason to get fucked up. My Roomate has turned in to an all out K head but the shit is almost gone and we dont will really have easy access any longer. He made some heady miso soup with the wired mushroom I got that are supposedly good for thickening soups beucase of the gelatin in the caps. So, he had been doin that shit all night, I wasnt really cuase I had been workin all day and wanted to stay up for the show. I ate some shards and they were nasty. Went over to the TLA and was feelin pretty good but ancy. they had a DJ and he was playing some pretty good shit including a remix of Beck's Debra which I'm all bout.