
Had enough Funk

So right when the show starts, I push all the way up so that Im right in Maceo's face. Hes so classy in a pimp suit and workin the crowd. I start gettin into it and piss a few people off but they mellow out when they realize that my intention are only for myself and those around me to have the best time possible .

I get down hard for bout five songs and them just get bored and we decide to go get some air. When we go to the front the security let us stand in the vestibule, thankfully, and this crack head chick i seen around before comes up and starts rappin at me. Shes saying all kinds of crazy stuff to fast for me to comprehend but the fact that she says everything in double speak makes it a little easier or maybe harder, Nevertheless all I gleened was that she is insane and or on drugs and has unique verbal abilities. I'll definetly see that one again, Im not lucky enough not to.


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