
Freedom and Privacy

I am much more concerned about loss of freedom than than loss of privacy. If we live a truly free society than all of my actions can be known without it having a negative effect on me. One right I do not believe a person possesses is the right to harm a fellow person and I think that institutions governmental or otherwise should take steps to prevent this. One such step could be searching people for weapons before entering a public place. Fortunately for me, one right I do believe a person possess is the right to do whatever he pleases to his own body. Ensuring the former without preventing the latter becomes very complicated. Unfortunately, our government does not agree with me about the latter human right which results in laws which make suicide and certain drugs illegal. If the government wants to make our lives more transparent, like being aware of our whereabouts, purchases, information consumption, etc. in an attempt to prevent us from committing harm against each other, I am ok with that. But when these attempts are extrapolated to prevent a thing like the consumption of psychedelic substances...


At 11:07 AM, Anonymous Holdem Poker said...

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