
Inebriated factoids at the Wawa

My girl B knew I was interested in one of her roommates friends and tried to arrange for us to go to the wawa but things got all mixed up and the two of them, my boys and myself ended up going which was fine. I was tweaked enough at this point to have misplaced all my possessions so I borrowed five bucks and got some cigs. The chicks were getting hoagies so we waited outside and smoked and interacted with some fine inebriated folk. One wasted dude ended up being quite informative and layed on me a factoid about wawa being a Native America, possibly Cherokee word for food. Not sure if he was bullshiting but it seems plausible.

I kind of wanted to go get to know this girlie a little better but my boys definitely wanted to go back to the crib and I knew they would be dipping into some a little something before we hit the hey


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