I'm broke and I mean flat broke. I have some change that I've saved up over the past few months but thats about it. I haven't had much cash for a while but I always had a little or a way to make a little. But now seems different. And it is, but not really. I mean I've been dumpster diving and "getting by" for months.
I also have debt like you wouldn't believe. I have school lones which I could care less about at this point because I got a forbearance for unemployment and. But the probably close to 7gs of credit card debt are killing me . I haven't made a payment in months so besides probably totally fucking my credit and potentially screwing me out of my dream house, car wife etc., the creditors call constantly. Like 5 times before I even get out of bed. IF I didn't have a cell phone that I couldn't put on silent I would have had to get a new number by this point.
But everyone is broke; the reason this is interesting is because I have been given every opportunity a person at my age really needs. Its not like I'm a trust fund kid or something but my parents are intelligent and well educated; they both have post bacs, pops is a doc, a cardiologist , not practicing though(we'll get into that later) and mom is once a again bread winning physical therapist who just got a promotion to director of something something.
They sent me to private elementary schools requiring IQ tests when we lived out in PA where the schools sucked, kind of botched things when we moved to Vineland NJ. But made up for it when we moved to one of the best school districts in the country, CHerry Hill. Which enabled me to go to the College of my fathers choice, even though we went through this whole act of visiting the more expensive schools and then me "deciding" to go to Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
I would say I received an excellent education there if you count blunt smoking and fooseball and my major and, minor respectively. Did my share of drinking as well but didn't get nearly as much sex as I would have liked but I'm making up for that now so its all good.
But seriously, After 2 years of floundering I had come full circle and decided once again that I would major in Computer Science. The decision was based on many factors but most of all it seemed to be the path least resistance because I hated writing long papers so most liberal arts majors were out the window and I didn't really like information regurgitation either. The CS stuff was mostly brain teasers and puzzles and shit. It was for the most part theoretical and the hands on technical stuff was minimal and for that reason hard as balls. But even with all the drinking and drugging and "hard" classes I made out in four years by the skin of my teath.
I spent a decent amount of time in the career services office tweaking my resume and honing my interviewing skills, mostly because my counselor was a total milf. But it paid off. I got highly lucrative job offers before I even graduated. And I already had a well paying, do nothing, office internship that was on my street, paid me $10 an hour and I got credits.
Never the less the night before my interview with CSC, the 3rd largest IT Consulting company, they invite all the candidates out for dinner at a local up scale bar/grill called Old Man Rafferties. I show up early dressed to impress and charm the pants off this management dude before we even sit down, I sit down next to him during dinner and chime in with insiteful questions whenever I can during his CSC is greatest company ever speel. But mostly I was calm and just tried to treat him like any other person rather than act all obsequious and kiss ass and it worked. The next day when I went in for the interview it was like we were old palls and he just chatted me up until our time was through and the next candidate came in.
I actually even got an even higher paying offer from EMC but I didn't like there style as much so I took the gig with CSC and the parents and the grandparents and ants and uncles and the friends parents were so pleased.
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