
High ride

Today is pretty fresh so lets see what I can do with that.

Went to Morning Glory for breakfast which I love. I could see myself cooking at a place like that. I had oatmeal banana pancakes which I actually have in fridge!
Diner with a little funky edge waiters have tats, play cool music, good veggie choices, no catsup

Came home and tried to free myself from my possessions by posting my car on craiglist. Check it out by clicking above.

Went for cruise over to the wach to get 6ers tix around sunset and smoked a bone of the new delicious AK47's we got today. Great Inidca Sativa hybrid that gives a nice lifted stone and no burn.

Went To Hikaru for dinner with yoga Steve and I just cant seem to stop spending. I'm really addicted to the high life and living with wags doesn't help that.

He convinced me to the 6ers game with him which I'm pretty against. Mainly because I just don't care about sports but also because I'm not into to the whole big money, gluttony and senseless consumption thing which professional sports epitomizes.

Came home and made up for it by doing some k and watching 2001: A Space Odyssey. I've watched it many times but am still awed and realize new aspects of it. Such as how the second chapter reveals that we are still animals albeit more sophisticated but still just as ignorant and confused possibley even more so.


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