
electro semetic clezmer

Yesterday I had the pleasure of attending an Orhtodox Jewish Syrian Morocan Wedding in Borough Park Brooklyn New York. After the very Traditional, minus the obtrusive camara crew, ceremony, The Bride and Groom left the party to have 'family time', while the guests dinned buffet style on great Jew food; sexes separated of course. Seriously. When the bride and groom returned there was much horah dancing to djed electro semetic clezmer music. Still separte sexes, Seriosuly. The Bride and Groom are 19 years old. This was their 5th time meeting and 'family time' was the first time they have been alone together or touched or possibley even touched an unrelated member of the opposite sex.
Thinking about my formative teenage years without the , flirting and fooling around is unfathomable. I find this clashing of Moderm Culture and Religion to be extremely interesting but I also get the feeling that it is not something new. In fact, I would venture to say that this clashing has probobly existed as long as religion has existed. I bet that Jews in Ancient Rome experienced a similar clashing.


At 4:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah theres nothing like a real Jewish wedding. And about not fooling around before marraige. The way I think of it is like a banquet- If you fill up on junk food on the way over, you miss out on the fine cuisine at the banquet, and you end up with a stomach ache to boot.
Love your blog, Howard. The revised projection is that I'll be 6% cooler, now that I see what it looks like! Thanx man.


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