
TV Show Idea -- Trading Spaces: Yuppies and Bums Edition

I had a great idea for a TV show. Its like Trading Spaces where 2 couples trade houses for a night and "redecorated" aka pimp each others cribs except that you have a yuppie couple trade spaces with a couple bums.

The yuppie couple gets harassed by other bums in very lewd ways culminating in an all out bum vs yuppie fight. Meanwhile the bums are pimping the yuppies home with decorative bottles filled with urine and feces smeared walls.


Guess where I am?

It's been more than a month since my last post and guess where I am. Sitting in a Cube in the Wannamaker building across from City Hall in Center City Philadelphia. What am doing here you ask. Working for Aramark's Innovative Dining Solutions Division as an independent IT Consultant. What the hell does that mean you want to know. I do office work... And some ok database app development. And as usual they cant come up with enough work to keep me busy. I mean they've done better than past gigs but its 10:20 and I've already read google news, Philly weekly and I checked out jambase yesterday.

Stephie got me the gig here because they needed a report created for the VP and no one wanted to do it. So she got her boss to call me.
Boss just walked by; went into looking like I'm doing something in Access mode
VP liked me of course so he recommended me to some of his lackeys. But they can't keep me interested or even busy. A couple times they've had me do real crap like filing which is ridiculous considering what they are paying me. I want to subcontract the work out. Get a Mexican off the street to come in here and pay him $7.50 an hour while I read a book and drink coffee.

Probably only have about a week left here though. I applied for an e-commcer programming job with Aramark but I'm not even sure I want it due to my loathing for the corporate atmosphere. The only thing I hate worse than people telling me what to do is being told how to do it.

Still hustling too; getting a dank hp this evening if all goes as planned and hitting Jer up with a couple bottles tomorrow.

I really want to become Philadelphia's new Recycling commissioner which they are in desperate need for so I'm going to get to work on www.HowardRossforRecyclingComissioner.blogspot.com