
oh yeah almost forgot


Also, Anonymous, I was wondering how you got to my post.

Hoping for a Referal

At the wise advise of someone who read my post i have acquired another emial which i will post here in the hopes that someone will send me a gmail referal.

But do not feer blogger people, even if i do get the gmail, your ploy has worked and i really like this app even though im not sure at the moment what to use it for (good or evil).


No Gmail yet

Still hoping for the gmail. Not sure of my intentions with this blog yet. No one read yesterdays post but if anyone reads this one pleease comment. Say anything, I dont care.


Signed up to get a gmail account

I've just recently graduated from College and the school emial address that I've used for the past few years is going to expire. I want a gmail account but i guess I'm just not well conncected enough to get one. I Read somewhere that they were offering accounts to Blooger members but, these days you never know, could be bullshit, or an attempt to get people to sign up for blogger.
